Real Relationships

To relationally RESTORE, RAISE UP,  & RELEASE disciples of Jesus Christ!



Centralia Christian Church  is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a safe space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, and with each other for God's glory. Join us on Sunday mornings and see for yourself!

Current Sermon Series

Sunday 9am & 10:30am

Mid-Week Student Ministries

Wednesdays 6:30pm


As a church, our desire is to relationally RESTORE, RAISE UP, and RELEASE disciples of Jesus, who will in turn, go and make more disciples of Jesus. To do this, one needs a strong biblical foundation. So our messages are built around that philosophy.

In our sermon series, "Disrupted Desires" we will explore the profound truths that arise during Jesus' journey toward the cross. As He performed miraculous acts, many sought Him for physical needs, craving food and entertainment. Yet, Jesus gently reminded them, "I know what you want, but I have something far more fulfilling to offer." He emphasized the importance of pursuing spiritual nourishment over temporary, physical sustenance. We will also reflect upon the ambition of two disciples who desired positions of honor in Jesus' kingdom, only to learn that true greatness lies in humility and servanthood. As we navigate our own struggles with pain, it's tempting to seek quick answers or solutions, but we must remember to ground our responses in biblical truth. Lastly, we will delve into a unique text about suffering, addressing the question, "What Does God Do With Pain?" and in our last week together, "What Do We Do With Pain?"  as we will confront the challenge of understanding how a loving God allows such suffering. Join us as we seek not only to understand our desires but to align them with God’s greater purpose.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am (Nursery through 5th Grades)
10:30 am (Nursery Only)

Wednesday (Jr. & Sr. High only)

6:30 pm                              

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