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Centralia Christian Church  is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am (Nursery through 5th Grade available)
10:30 am (Nursery only)

Wednesday Evenings (Jr. & Sr. High Only)

6:30 pm

What To Expect

A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

Questions About...





Jesus is like no other person in history. This page can barely scratch the surface of who Jesus is and all of the books in the world cannot contain the many works and miracles He performed. Jesus not only claimed to be the Son of God, but proved it through His miracles. His teachings offer the best way to live, His sacrifice took care of everything we’ve ever done wrong, and His resurrection from the dead gives us the hope that we can one day conquer death and be resurrected to live with Him forever as well!

If you’d like to discuss who Jesus is, or have questions, we’d love to talk to you! Give us a call or fill out the contact information below.  It would be our privilege to share with you who Jesus is and how He can impact your life!
Communion is a celebration for people who have chosen to follow Jesus. Stemming from the Jewish Passover festival, communion was instituted by Jesus for us to remember His body that was sacrificed to pay for our sins and His blood that initiates a new covenant with us – allowing us to relate to God personally.

Even though we offer communion every weekend, we hope and pray that it never becomes mundane, but that we continually examine our hearts in preparation for this weekly memorial.
Baptism is a simple illustration of being washed. It is a picture of Christ’s death and resurrection; a picture of new birth. When a person gives their life to Jesus, baptism is a logical next step for that person to publicly confess what Jesus has done in washing their sin (wrong-doings) away.

For details on the biblical foundation of baptism, please the LEARN MORE button below.  If you are interested in discussing baptism or scheduling one, please fill out the contact information below.
We consider giving an act of worship. The apostle Paul, instructed Timothy regarding the churches Timothy was leading, “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share” (I Timothy 6:18). We know that nothing we have is our own, so we choose to pool our resources and watch God do amazing things with our collective resources that we could not do individually. We also collect our “Connection Cards” which allow us to love our people well. We want to know if a person is not at one of our services so we can make sure we are taking care of each person. Filling out your card each week, helps greatly in this endeavor.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.